Dimensions: 18×18
Traffic Direction: E/W
Lat: 40.306049 Long: -76.6937932
- Billboard 101 & 102 – Side 1 Digital; Side 2 Static – 700 ft west of Mushroom Hill Rd
- Billboard 201 & 202 – 1500 ft west of Mushroom Hill Rd
- Billboard 401 & 402 – Junction of I-83 and I-81
- Billboard 501 & 502 – I-83 Just North of Union Deposit Rd
- Billboard 702 – I-83 1/2 of a mile South of Union Deposit Rd
- Billboard 801 & 802 – I-83 .2 miles South of Union Deposit Rd
- Billboard 901 – I-83 at 28th St 1/4 mile North of Paxtang Exit
- Billboard 1101 & 1102 – 1603 N Cameron St (Rt 230), Harrisburg
- Billboard 1201 & 1202 – 1607 N Cameron St (Rt 230), Harrisburg
- Billboard 1301 & 1302 – I-81 2 miles North of Linglestown Exit at MP 74
- Billboard 1502 – Rt 22, .6 of a mile East of Rt 39
- Billboard 1701 & 1702 – Rt 39 1.8 miles West of Hershey Park Dr (Hanshue Rd and Rt 39), Hershey
- Billboard 1802 – I-81 1/2 mile North of Scotland Exit
- Billboard 1902 – I-81 1.4 miles North of Scotland Exit
- Billboard 2001 – I-81 1/2 mile North of Wayne Ave Exit (Stanley Rd)
- Billboard 2101 – I-81 1/2 mile North of Wayne Ave Exit (Stanley Rd)
- Billboard 2202 – I-81 1 mile South of Wayne Ave Exit (Guilford Springs Rd)
- Billboard 2501 & 2502 and 2503 & 2504 – Rts 11-15 .7 of a mile North of Rts 22-322
- Billboard 2601 & 2602 and 2603 & 2604 – Rts 11-15 .9 of a mile North of Rts 22-322
- Billboard 2802 – I-78 MP 48 1 mile East of Rt 100
- Billboard 2902 – I-78 MP 11.4, 1 mile West of Bethel
- Billboard 3102 – I-78 at MP 1, just East of I-81 split
- Billboard 3201 – Rt 61, 1/2 mile North of I-78
- Billboard 3301 – Rt 61, 1/2 mile South of I-78
- Billboard 3901 – I-76, 4 miles West of Carlisle Exit 226 (across from Plainfield rest stop)
- Billboard 4001 – I-76 at Carlisle Exit 226, closest to toll booth
- Billboard 4101 – I-76 at Carlisle Exit 226
- Billboard 4202 – I-76 1 mile East of Carlisle Exit, just East of I-81/I-76 junction
- Billboard 4302 – I-76, 5 miles East of Carlisle Exit, MP 231
- Billboard 4402 – I-76, 5 miles East of Carlisle Exit, MP 231
- Billboard 4602 – I-81 N/B, 2 miles South of Exit 52